FLAT RATE SHIPPING: Orders of 0-$20/ $3.50, Orders of $20.01-$74.99/ $10.45, Orders of $75 or more get free shipping.
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MY ONLINE GROUP "Grids Girls" ? Here is the link to join the group https://www.facebook.com/groups/770429649800457 click here Make sure you answer all 3 membership questions to be approved.
ALSO PLEASE NOTE: The "Free in-store pick up" button at check out, is for those ordering items to be picked up at the September retreat. All other orders must add shipping. The studio is not open to the public.
Welcome to Deb's Cats n Quilts Designs
Home of Creative Grids Designer Deb Heatherly
To keep up with what’s going on in the Deb’s Cats N Quilts Design studio or find out where Deb will be speaking, follow Deb on Facebook and join her online group "Grids Girls". Shop online for the latest and greatest Creative Grids tools and Contact Deb at (Debscatsnquilts@aol.com) for more information on how to set up a lecture,demo or workshop for your shop or guild

"Everything I Know About Quilting I Learned From My Cats."